Registration is still open until Friday 17th November for people wanting to attend this insight-fuelling event. Both online and in-person options are available, as the EHF makes it possible for those who cannot physically attend Porto the same exciting opportunities as those who can.
There will be a total of 39 presentations at this event, with speakers ranging from 12 different nationalities. The conference focusing on “Sustainability in Handball – Circle of a Handball Life”, has a range of fascinating keynote speakers found in the programme including:
- Susana Povoas – EHF Expert and Professor University of Maia
topic “Completing the circle of handball life – the handball 4 health project.”
- Jose Antonio Silva – Professor Sports University of Porto
topic “Contribution of the research in handball match analysis to the coach’s work.”
- Hans Holdhaus – Director of the EHF Anti-Doping Unit
topic “Clean handball – More than a request.”
- Niels Rossing – Lecturer at Aalborg University
topic “How to play the infinite game of handball – Lessons learned from happy league.”
Click here to view the programme.
At the event there will be two separate room spaces with talks happening simultaneously. These rooms are categorized with Auditorium 1 hosting more analysis driven topics and Classroom 1 more physical topics. Auditorium 1 hosts subjects such as game analysis and project development, whereas Classroom 1 will be more related to issues including physical conditioning, biomechanics and physiology.
There are currently more than 150 participants registered, but the deadline has been extended to Friday 17th November, so don’t miss out: click here to register.

Practical information
7th EHF Scientific Conference, 23/24 November 2023
Registration price: 100 euros to attend in person, 30 euros to attend online
Online participation: Registered participants will receive a link to join before the conference
Nearest airport: City of Porto, Aeroporto Sá Carneiro
Conference location: University of Porto, R. Dr. Plácido da Costa 91, 4200-450 Porto, Portugal
Institution: FADEUP – Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto (Sports Faculty of the University of Porto)