Even today, I'm still often contacted and asked for help by players who are my size, or by parents whose children don't play at the club because the coach says they're too small. I'm always happy to help, encourage them and give them a few tips, because I can't believe that coaches still say that a player is too small to play handball.
Children in particular can be very hurtful to each other. The little ones, but also the older ones, need role models who stand behind them, people with good character, and that's what I try to be. But I also say: you have to fight for your success, talent only is not enough, it always takes work and ambition. Nothing is free, you don't get anything for free.
I treat everyone equally and have respect for everyone. That's what I've learnt in 34 years of professional handball. Of course, I've also learnt from mistakes. Because everyone should always set an example: all people are equal and everyone should treat each other with respect.
As a coach and a person, I combine Swedish composure and German thoroughness with my Balkan blood, because I'm very emotional. As a coach, for example, I've always set myself a framework, everything in between is my freedom, sometimes more democratic, sometimes a bit tougher.
So, it's difficult to say where my home is. Of course I'm Swedish by passport, I grew up there, but I've been living abroad since 1999. I've been in Germany for 19 years, which is almost half of my life. I've played or trained in seven countries. I feel very much at home in Sweden, but I can well imagine living in France or Spain again, and not just because of my love of good wine and good food. I see myself as a European with Balkan roots, and I still love being in the Balkan Region.
I was able to live and play abroad for many years, first for two years in Granollers in Spain, then from 2001 to 2009 for the German clubs Nordhorn and Flensburg. I even ended up as captain at the SG. In sporting terms, together with the successes with the Swedish national team, that was a formative time.