In the second attendance phase, modules focusing on marketing and sponsorship as well as finance were on the schedule.
Amorim said she signed up for the course after retiring last year as she wanted to continue to be involved with handball.
"This is an area which interests me and after studying Sport Management, I thought it would be interesting to have something more focused in handball. It is a transitional period for me, between careers, and I would like to prepare myself if any opportunities show up in the future," she said.

Amorim added that the course gave added value to both current and former players.
"I believe for players it is valuable because we mainly focus on the sportive side during our careers. And this course brings a holistic view on how to manage a club, and its management inputs, such as the financial aspects, sponsorship, marketing, law, and so on. We are able to see what goes behind the scenes in order to deliver the team's performance," she said.
At the moment, Amorim has no concrete plans for her future career, saying: "I think it is a moment of still figuring out the next path for me. Anyhow, this course will be a valuable additional to my CV if any offer comes up."
The Women Professional Handball Board of the European Handball Federation supports Eduarda Amorim with a scholarship that allows her to participate in the programme. In the third and last attendance phase in June this year, the fifth module “Media and Communication Training” will follow, as well as the written and oral examination. Further information on the European Handball Manager programme can be found here.