Krim hold their nerve to reach quarter-finals

Krim hold their nerve to reach quarter-finals

EHF / Sergey Nikolaev
Congratulations to Krim on qualifying. I think the first game decided this situation. We had a minimal chance, but our attack was not good enough, even though our defence and goalkeeper performance was amazing. At the end, when there was less pressure on us, we played better, and I am happy to win this game, but sad because of the final result.
Gabor Elek
Coach, FTC-Rail Cargo Hungaria
20220402 FTC Krim Andrea Lekic Quote
We know that it is always hard to play here, because FTC has an amazing atmosphere. We are happy to be in the best eight teams in Europe. The key to the win was the defence and to hold up FTC – because they fought well.
Andrea Lekic
Centre back, Krim Mercator Ljubljana

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