Familiar foes meet in crunchtime play-offs

Familiar foes meet in crunchtime play-offs

Sergey Nikolaev / Adrian Costeiu
20220220 Match Krim Savehof 015
FTC have different players — shooters from distance and also players that go one-on-one. This is their power. They are a diverse team — that’s why we will need to be fully ready for them. We will prepare for them, so that they can’t surprise us with anything. The first match will be important — how we will enter into it to show them that it will not be easy. We need to make better results so that is going to be easier in the return match in Budapest.
Ana Gros
Krim right back
20211114 Odense Vipers Odense1
I know that the whole team and also me personally have been waiting for these types of games now for a while — when a win or loss decides if you are in or out for the rest of the season. Brest are an internationally good team with a lot of really good players, but we also see our possibilities in these games and we are going to go for the chance to get that quarter-final spot. I just want it to be Sunday so all the fun can start.
Martina Thörn
Odense goalkeeer

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