DELO EHF Champions League 2021/22 broadcast in 40+ territories
The start of the DELO EHF Champions League 2021/22 is mere days away and fans around the world will have the chance to enjoy the excitement throughout the season.
Alongside the free-with-registration platform EHFTV.com, broadcasters across Europe grabbed the chance to show the pinnacle competition during the 2021/22 season. 34 stations are set to broadcast to more than 40 territories, with the action beginning on Saturday and following the same throw-off schedule as in 2020/21 — games every Saturday (16:00 and 18:00 CEST/CET) and Sunday (14:00 and 16:00 CEST/CET).
After gaining over 250,000 subscribers last season, EHFTV will also give viewers outside the TV broadcast territories the chance to catch the action. All 132 matches that will form the DELO EHF Champions League season to be shown on the platform, complemented by highlights and many other special video features.
The following TV stations will broadcast the DELO EHF Champions League 2021/22:
ALB: Arena Sport
BIH: Arena Sport
CRO: Arena Sport
CZE: SportTV
DEN: TV3 SPORT, Viasat
FIN: Viaplay
FRA: Eurosport
GEO: Silknet
HUN: SportTV
ISR: Sport1
ITA: Sky Sport
KOS: Arena Sport
MKD: Arena Sport
MNE: Arena Sport
NED: Ziggo Sports
NOR: Viasat, Viaplay
POL: Eurosport
POR: SportTV
ROU: Telekom Sports, Digi Sport, Look Sport
RUS: MatchTV
SRB: Arena Sport
SLO: Arena Sport
SVK: SportTV
SWE: Viasat, Viaplay
UKR: SportTV
Worldwide: EHFTV (Geo-restrictions may apply)