Summary: Last rest day before medals decided

Summary: Last rest day before medals decided

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European Handball Federation

Spain and Sweden are now confirmed as the Men's EHF EURO 2022 finalists, with Denmark and France set to play for bronze. Saturday is a day for training and media duties.

C5 8846
Nobody believed that we could even make it to the final weekend with this new team, no we are in the final, this is a great story. One game is left, and we can make history.
Rodrigo Corrales
Goalkeeper, Spain
20220129 Palicka SWE 1
You see in every game here that it’s just small, small things that are making the winners. [...] It’s just handball. It’s amazing. And let’s see what happens tomorrow.
Andreas Palicka
Goalkeeper, Sweden
20220129 Svan DEN
The disappointment is really huge, it will be huge tomorrow and it will still be huge in one week. It really hurts to miss the final after such a strong tournament we had played before.
Lasse Svan
Right wing, Denmark
20220129 Porte FRA
We have been locked down for so long, all together, that it would be terrible for us to come back home empty-handed. It has been a difficult month, with the Covid and everything, and having a medal would be a great way of saying that we have not done all of this for nothing.
Valentin Porte
Right back, France

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