The meaning of empowering HERstory
The most basic way to define empowering others is enabling, and it is a subject that applies across essentially all of the work undertaken in the handball world, whether by federations, clubs, coaches, or even from teammate to teammate. Every step taken to try to accomplish something new involves enabling someone or a group of people to do something they could not before. Therefore, empowerment must be considered a key element of growth and development in any context, including beyond the involvement of women and girls.
However, the empowerment of women and girls in handball is perhaps the most important tool to catalyse the fastest possible growth of the sport. It is simple math: Where there might have been limitations in terms of who was involved in the development of handball before, the inclusion of diverse groups — the end of exclusion due to gender, age, and other factors — means the drive, ideas, time and work of more people can be incorporated.
And the bonus with the doors being opened to all is that the chance of overlooking some area that brings great potential is drastically reduced. The more diverse, empowered people are involved in handball in any capacity, the greater the chance for everyone in the sport to move forward in the most effective way.
As the subject of empowerment is so broad, the meaning and understanding of the phrase “empowering HERstory” is quite personal. So, what does this topic mean for this group of presenters?
“To me, equality of opportunity is an essential principle related to women's empowerment. I define equality in its broadest sense as being the space of opportunity, without gender or any other innate qualities acting as obstacles,” says Kaalstad.
The topic of empowering HERstory brings mixed feelings for Merz and Kuttler.
“When I hear topics like this, the first thing I feel is somehow a little bit of sadness, because the fact that we have to talk about ‘empowering women’ shows that we are still not equal yet. But having the possibility to be part of changing the world and having a voice to share experiences and go forward on the new way makes me very happy again,” says Kuttler.
“Maybe we only have the opportunity to modify little things and go step by step, but anyhow every single woman is important on our way to change the mindset of everyone. On our road, we want to encourage women and young girls to be part of this development and of course go ahead to create a world that makes it somehow easier for all the females that are going the same way in the future.”
For van Haaster, the topic is focused very specifically on individuals. “‘Empowering HERstory’ means to me that a woman has got the power and the courage to follow her own path. That she has the courage to reflect and take time to note for herself if she still is in the right place at this moment, or is it time to make some hard decisions to better herself,” she says.
Find more information on the Women’s Handball Conference, including how to register, here.