Kindergarten handball is growing up

Kindergarten handball is growing up

Viber Image 2022 11 18 12 18 17 274
EHF / Kevin Domas

Developed in France as “BabyHand” for more than two decades, kindergarten handball is gaining more and more interest from abroad. The adapted form of handball made suitable for three- to five-year-old children is one of the topics at the EHF Grassroots Convention in Munich on 14 January 2024.

Baby Handball 4
We adapt handball for children: we have balls, we have goals, but we want it to be fun, which is why sometimes some of our teachers come from outside the handball world. I tried to have proper handball coaches with me during sessions, but they were really focused on the technique, which is not what we want.
Vanessa Patucca-Bourgeais
Initiator BabyHand

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