Different motivation, same goals for French line players

Different motivation, same goals for French line players

Viber Image 2022 11 18 12 18 17 274
EHF / Kevin Domas

They share the same national team jersey, but this weekend at the TruckScout24 EHF FINAL4 2023 in Cologne, Luka Karabatic and Ludovic Fabregas are not in the same camp. The first one wants to win the EHF Champions League for the first time with Paris Saint-Germain Handball, while the second one aims at for his third straight trophy with Barça and fourth overall.

20230616 F4 Fabregas Karabatic Quote
Nikola would deserve to win the trophy and if we qualify for the final, the chance of winning it for him will be another extra motivation.
Luka Karabatic
Paris Saint-Germain Handball line player

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