Summary: Media calls as teams take stock ahead of finals

Summary: Media calls as teams take stock ahead of finals

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European Handball Federation

After the excitement of the Men's EHF EURO 2024 semi-finals last night, Saturday is the last chance for Denmark and France to take stock before the big showdown on Sunday.

20240127 Hansen Quote AM
I’ve always appreciated being this lucky to play around arenas like this and finals and stuff. And I think every final has its own life, or semi-final or whatever. But of course, if you don’t appreciate playing in front of 20,000 German fans in Germany against Germany, then you’re not going to enjoy anything.
Mikkel Hansen
Left back, Denmark
20240127 Remili Quote AM
I woke up this morning and Dylan Nahi, who is my roommate, told me: did we just dream? It still has that kind of feeling, and we have not come down from it yet. But we have to, because we will not win the final tomorrow with the emotions from yesterday. We will win the final tomorrow if we manage to bounce back.
Nedim Remili
Right back, France
20240127 Wolff Quote AM
I want to win this medal because I think it would be something that we deserved throughout the tournament, that we showed that we were a great host. And we could crown a little bit ourselves, being the best of the rest next to the two superior teams of Denmark and France.
Andreas Wolff
Goalkeeper, Germany
EURO24M SF1 France Vs Sweden MAL6739 1 AM Quote
It's really important for us to finish the tournament with something in our hands instead of finishing fourth. As a reward to ourselves, as well as the idea of going back home after a win as well. There are many reasons for us to fight for the win tomorrow.
Glenn Solberg
Head coach, Sweden

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